Perseus and Heracles: Two Greek Heroes on Roman ‘Akko-Ptolemais City-Coins
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The article examines the representations of Heracles and Perseus on ‘Akko-Ptolemais coins.
Perseus’ presence, known only from coins, finds support in a myth mentioning Andromeda’s
parents’ kinship to Agenor’s house and by the local identification of the river-god Belus with
Andromeda’s grandfather, Belus. Perseus and Andromeda’s marriage scene (unique) was adopted
from a similar scene in Tyre (Cadmus and Harmonia). The unique coin-type of Heracles —
Perseus’ descendant — receiving a medicinal plant, which resembles the Hydra, from Belus,
perpetuated Heracles’ bond to Phoenicia and publicized ‘Akko as a healing-center. The scenes,
attesting to kinship between Greeks and Phoenicians, proclaim ‘Akko’s proud identity.