Translating Tamil God into Sanskrit in Vedāntadeśika’s Dramiḍopaniṣattātparyaratnāvalī
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This study explores the Śrīvaiṣṇavas’ commitment to upholding both the Sanskrit and Tamil scriptures or ubhayavedānta (literally, the dual Vedāntas). In particular, it focuses on how one of the most influential post-Rāmānuja ācāryas in the community, Vedāntadeśika (1269–1369), supported the two-scriptures principle in his Dramiḍopaniṣattātparyaratnāvalī. In this work Vedāntadeśika summarizes and translates the Tamil scripture, the Tiruvāymoḻi of Nammāḻvār, arguably the most authoritative South Indian Vaiṣṇava poet of a group collectively known as the Āḻvārs (ca. sixth to tenth century), into Sanskrit. I argue that Vedāntadeśika’s main goal is to secure the status of Nammāḻvār’s Tiruvāymoḻi as the Tamil Vedānta or Upaniṣad (and as the Tamil Veda in some cases). His attempt to bridge the gap between the Sanskrit and Tamil scriptures can be seen in three different aspects: their scriptural status, theology, and linguistic expression. Vedāntadeśika reinforces the scriptural status of the Tirūvāymoḻi, restructures the text so that it consistently illustrates God’s qualities, similar to the Sanskrit Upaniṣads, and, through the linguistic medium of Sanskrit, deemphasizes the poetic tropes of classical Tamil love poetry. While there were other summaries of the Tiruvāymoḻi before, during, and after his time, Vedāntadeśika’s summary is remarkable for its systematic approach and clear agenda.