Etrog: How a Chinese Fruit Became a Jewish Symbol and The Etrog Citron (Citrus medica L): Tradition and Research. Essays on the Scientific, Halachic and Historical Significance of the Etrog

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Susan Weingarten



Etrog: How a Chinese Fruit Became a Jewish Symbol. By David Z. Moster . New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. Pp. xv + 144, illus. $54.99. The Etrog Citron (Citrus medica L): Tradition and Research. Essays on the Scientific, Halachic and Historical Significance of the Etrog. Edited by eliezer goldSchmidT and moShe bar-JoSeph . Jerusalem: Mossad Harav Kook, 2018 . Pp. 24 + 14 + 480, illus. IS96. [Hebrew with English abstracts]

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