Published: 2013-03-15
Editor’s Note
Abstract 100 |Page 7-8
In Which Language Does the Holy Spirit Speak? On Arabic Language and Coptic Heritage
Abstract 195 | PDF Downloads 8Page 9-19
Desperate Housewives in the Protevangelium of James
Abstract 147 | PDF Downloads 6Page 21-29
Monasticism on the Southern Egyptian Frontier in Late Antiquity: Towards a New Critical Edition of the Coptic Life of Aaron
Abstract 153 | PDF Downloads 5Page 31-47
A Call to the Chalcedonian Churches for Repentance
Abstract 200 | PDF Downloads 8Page 49-60
Museums as Cultural Institutions: Challenges and Opportunities for St. Mark’s Coptic Museum
Abstract 160 | PDF Downloads 3Page 75-84