(Re-)Constructing Funerary Rituals in the Ancient Near East. Proceedings of the First International Symposium of the Tübingen Post-Graduate School “Symbols of the Dead” in May 2009. Edited by Peter Pfälzner; Herbert Niehr; Ernst Pernicka; and Anne Wissi

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Gary Beckman



(Re-)Constructing Funerary Rituals in the Ancient Near East. Proceedings of the First International Symposium of the Tübingen Post-Graduate School “Symbols of the Dead” in May 2009. Edited by Peter Pfälzner; Herbert Niehr; Ernst Pernicka; and Anne Wissing. Qaṭna Studien Supplementa, vol. 1. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2012. Pp. ix + 312, illus. €92.

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