Front Matter
Front Matter
Abstract 341 | PDF Downloads 70 | DOI
The “Religion of Images”?
Abstract 216 | PDF Downloads 242 | DOI 455–484
The Assyrian Sculptures from the Nergal Gate Museum at Nineveh before the Islamic State’s Attack
Abstract 193 | PDF Downloads 133 | DOI 485–506
Irony, Archeology, and the Rule of Rhyme: Two Readings of the Ṭasmu Luzūmiyya of Abū l-ʿAlāʾ al-Maʿarrī
Abstract 96 | PDF Downloads 203 | DOI 507–532
Bhaṭṭanāyaka and the Vedānta Influence on Sanskrit Literary Theory
Abstract 116 | PDF Downloads 158 | DOI 533–558
Brief Communications
Translation, or Sinology
Abstract 130 | | DOI 559–566
Review Articles
Magic and Medicine in Ancient Mesopotamia
Abstract 199 | PDF Downloads 241 | DOI 567–574
Study the Quran or The Study Quran?
Abstract 985 | | DOI 575–588
Formen und Inhalte althethitischer historischer Literatur. By Amir Gilan
Abstract 109 | PDF Downloads 75 | DOI 589–591
Schrift und Schriftlichkeit: Die anatolische Hieroglyphenschrift. By Annick Payne
Abstract 113 | PDF Downloads 82 | DOI 591–593
Accent in Hittite: A Study in Plene Spelling, Consonant Gradation, Clitics, and Metrics. By Alwin Kloekhorst
Abstract 154 | PDF Downloads 95 | DOI 593–595
The babilili-Ritual from Hattusa (CTH 718). By Gary Beckman
Abstract 78 | PDF Downloads 76 | DOI 595–597
The Reign of Tudhaliya II and Šuppiluliuma I: The Contribution of the Hittite Documentation to a Reconstruction of the Amarna Age. By Boaz Stavi
Abstract 126 | PDF Downloads 105 | DOI 597–599
Canaanite Scribes in the Amarna Letters. By Juan-Pablo Vita
Abstract 110 | PDF Downloads 99 | DOI 599–601
The God Enki in Sumerian Royal Ideology and Mythology. By Peeter Espak
Abstract 127 | PDF Downloads 157 | DOI 602–604
Children in the Ancient Near Eastern Household. By Kristine Garroway
Abstract 96 | PDF Downloads 97 | DOI 614–606
Theory and Practice of Knowledge Transfer: Studies in School Education in the Ancient Near East and Beyond. Edited by W. S. van Egmond and W. H. van Soldt
Abstract 119 | PDF Downloads 108 | DOI 606–611
The Witchcraft Series Maqlû. By Tzvi Abusch
Abstract 125 | PDF Downloads 125 | DOI 611–613
Royal versus Divine Authority: 7th Symposium on Egyptian Royal Ideology. Edited by Filip Coppins; Jiří Janák; and Hana Vymazalová
Abstract 92 | PDF Downloads 94 | DOI 613–615
Studies on the Middle Kingdom: In Memory of Detlef Franke. Edited by Hans-Werner Fischer- Elfert and Richard B. Parkinson
Abstract 137 | PDF Downloads 98 | DOI 615–617
The Awakening of Osiris and the Transit of the Solar Barques: Royal Apotheosis in a Most Concise Book of the Underworld and Sky. By Joshua Aaron Roberson
Abstract 168 | PDF Downloads 85 | DOI 617–619
The Edwin Smith Papyrus: Updated Translation of the Trauma Treatise and Modern Medical Commentaries. By Gonzalo M. Sanchez and Edmund S. Meltzer
Abstract 369 | PDF Downloads 174 | DOI 617–619
Das Grab des Königs Ninetjer in Saqqara: Architektonische Entwicklung frühzeitlicher Grabanlagen in Ägypten. By Claudia M. Lacher-Raschdorff
Abstract 108 | PDF Downloads 86 | DOI 621–623
Couched in Death: Klinai and Identity in Anatolia and Beyond. By Elizabeth P. Baughan
Abstract 64 | PDF Downloads 69 | DOI 624–626
The Many Faces of Herod the Great. By Adam Kolman Marshak
Abstract 67 | PDF Downloads 63 | DOI 626–628
Babylonien und seine Nachbarn in neu- und spätbabylonischer Zeit: Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium aus Anlass des 75. Geburtstags von Joachim Oelsner, Jena, 2. und 3. März 2007. Edited by Manfred Krebernik and Hans Neumann
Abstract 101 | PDF Downloads 84 | DOI 628–630
The Hellenistic Far East: Archaeology, Language, and Identity in Greek Central Asia. By Rachel Mairs
Abstract 99 | PDF Downloads 93 | DOI 630–632
Historical Linguistics & Biblical Hebrew: Steps toward an Integrated Approach. By Robert Rezetko and Ian Young
Abstract 130 | PDF Downloads 94 | DOI 632–635
Sexual Violation in Islamic Law: Substance, Evidence, and Procedure. By Hina Azam
Abstract 98 | PDF Downloads 95 | DOI 635–639
Gender Hierarchy in the Qurʾān: Medieval Interpretations, Modern Responses; Gender and Muslim Constructions of Exegetical Authority: A Rereading of the Classical Genre of Qurʾān Commentary; and Gender and Muslim Constructions of Exegetical Authority: A
Abstract 118 | PDF Downloads 108 | DOI 639–643
Ludovico Marracci at Work: The Evolution of His Latin Translation of the Qurʾān in the Light of His Newly Discovered Manuscripts. With an Edition and a Comparative Linguistic Analysis of Sura 18. By Reinhold F. Glei and Roberto Tottoli
Abstract 66 | PDF Downloads 84 | DOI 643–645
Al-Radd al-jamīl, A Fitting Refutation of the Divinity of Jesus Attributed to Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī. Edited by Mark Beaumont and Maha El Kaisy-Friemuth
Abstract 122 | PDF Downloads 105 | DOI 645–648
Christians and Others in the Umayyad State. Edited by Antoine Borrut and Fred M. Donner
Abstract 74 | PDF Downloads 110 | DOI 648–652
The Religious and Spiritual Life of the Jews of Medina. By Haggai Mazuz
Abstract 97 | PDF Downloads 74 | DOI 652–655
Abū Bakr al-Ṣūlī, The Life and Times of Abū Tammām. Edited and translated by Beatrice Gruendler
Abstract 104 | PDF Downloads 86 | DOI 655–656
Yūsuf al-Shirbīnī, Brains Confounded by the Ode of Abū Shādūf Expounded, and Muḥammad ibn Maḥfūẓ al-Sanhūrī, Risible Rhymes
Abstract 105 | PDF Downloads 75 | DOI 657–659
Aḥmad Fāris al-Shidyāq, Leg over Leg. Edited and translated by Humphrey Davies
Abstract 98 | PDF Downloads 75 | DOI 659–662
Dharmakīrti on the Duality of the Object: Pramāṇavārttika III 1–63. By Eli Franco and Miyako Notake
Abstract 117 | PDF Downloads 105 | DOI 662–665
The Vaiyākaraṇasiddhāntabhūṣaṇa of Kauṇḍabhaṭṭa, part 1, with the Nirañjanī Commentary by Ram-yatna Shukla and Prakāsa Explanatory Notes by K. V. Ramakrishnamacharyulu. Critically edited by K. V. Ramakrishnamacharyulu
Abstract 79 | PDF Downloads 62 | DOI 665–668
Pāṇinīyavyākaraṇodāharaṇakośaḥ; La grammaire paninéenne par ses exemples; Paninian Grammar through Its Examples, vol. IV.1–2: Taddhitaprakaraṇam; Le livre des formes dérivés secondaires; The Book of Secondary Derivatives. By F. Grimal, V. Ven
Abstract 83 | PDF Downloads 82 | DOI 668–669
Worldly Gurus and Spiritual Kings: Architecture and Asceticism in Medieval India. By Tamara I. Sears
Abstract 74 | PDF Downloads 74 | DOI 670–672
Epic Tales from Ancient India: Paintings from the San Diego Museum of Art. Edited by Marika Sardar
Abstract 83 | PDF Downloads 77 | DOI 672–674
The Brahmayāmalatantra or Picumata, vol. II: The Religious Observances and Sexual Rituals of the Tantric Practitioner: Chapters 3, 21, and 45. A Critical Edition and Annotated Translation. By Csaba Kiss
Abstract 288 | PDF Downloads 165 | DOI 674–677
“. . . für die Wißenschaft, der ich von ganzer Seele lebe.” Otto Böhtlingk (1815–1904): Ein Gelehrten- leben rekonstruiert und beschrieben anhand seiner Briefe; and Otto Böhtlingk an Rudolf Roth: Briefe zum Petersburger Wörterbuch 1852–1885. Index
Abstract 91 | PDF Downloads 77 | DOI 677–679
On Cold Mountain: A Buddhist Reading of the Hanshan Poems. By Paul Rouzer
Abstract 86 | PDF Downloads 94 | DOI 679–682
Brief Reviews
Illusory Abiding: The Cultural Construction of the Chan Monk Zhongfeng Mingben. By Natasha Heller
Abstract 66 | PDF Downloads 64 | DOI 683
The Drunken Man’s Talk: Tales from Medieval China. By Luo Ye. Translated by Alister D. Inglis
Abstract 124 | PDF Downloads 83 | DOI 683–684
The Rebellion of Muḥammad al-Nafs al-Zakiyya in 145/762: Ṭālibīs and Early ʿAbbāsīs in Conflict. By Amikam Elad
Abstract 115 | PDF Downloads 77 | DOI 684–685
Ḥikāyat Abī al-Qāsim: A Literary Banquet. By Emily Selove
Abstract 64 | PDF Downloads 69 | DOI 685–686
Wissenskultur im Alten Orient: Weltanschauung, Wissenschaften, Techniken, Technologien. Edited by Hans Neumann
Abstract 81 | PDF Downloads 61 | DOI 687–688
Near Eastern Tribal Societies during the Nineteenth Century: Economy, Society and Politics between Tent and Town. By Eveline van der Steen
Abstract 79 | PDF Downloads 57 | DOI 688
Entlassungsgrund: Pazifismus. Albrecht Götze, der Fall Gumbel und die Marburger Universität 1930–1946. By Harald Maier-Metz
Abstract 202 | PDF Downloads 63 | DOI 688–689