Table of Contents

Main Article Content




Volume 5 (2020)


5 - The Qurʾānic Doublets: A Preliminary Inquiry - Gabriel S. Reynolds

41 - From Coptic to Arabic: A New Palimpsest and the Early Transmission History of the Qurʾān - Éléonore Cellard and Catherine Louis

97 - The Prophet’s Visions in Sūrat al-Najm - Saqib Hussain

133 - On the Regionality of Qurʾānic Codices - Hythem Sidky

211 - سورة الإنسان مكية أم مدنية: قراءة موضوعية بلاغية لسورة الإنسان بالتوازي مع سورة 211 القيامة ندين السليمي

Sūrat al-Insān, Meccan or Medinan? A Thematic and Rhetorical Reading of Sūrat al-Insān (Q 76) in Parallel with Sūrat al-Qiyāmah (Q 75) - Nadeen Alsulaimi


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