Table of Contents Volume 2 (2017)

Main Article Content




3 Remembrance: Andrew Rippin (1950–2016) Michael E. Pregill

7 Lot and His Offer: 2016 IQSA Presidential Address Farid Esack

35 Response to Farid Esack’s 2016 Presidential Address Shari L. Lowin

47 Cognate and Paronomastic Curse Retorts in the Qurʾān: Speech Genres and the Investigation of Qurʾānic Language
Devin Stewart

89 Destabilizing Gender, Reproducing Maternity: Mary in the Qurʾān Kecia Ali

111 Law, Structure, and Meaning in Sūrat al-Baqarah Joseph E. Lowry

149 Ring Composition in Sūrat Yūsuf (Q 12) Jawad Anwar Qureshi

169 Review Essay: Positivism, Revisionism, and Agnosticism in the Study of Late Antiquity and the Qurʾān
Michael E. Pregill


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